Every Friday evening at 7:00 p.m.

Our common bond is found not in a common problem, but in a common solution: Jesus Christ.

Reformers Unanimous Ministries exists to help anybody worldwide who wishes to experience a life of victory over difficulty.  This victory is obtained and retrained not through an experience of ongoing effort, but through a once in a lifetime decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and a subsequent dedication to developing a dynamic love relationship with Him. 

For transportation please call 1-812-945-1943

Please take time to view the 10 principles of addiction recovery:

#1. If God's against it, so am I:

#2. Every sin has it's origin in the heart.

#3. It's easier to keep the heart clean than it is to clean it once it has been defiled.

#4. It is not possible to fight a fleshly appetite by indulging in it.

#5. Small compromises lead to great disasters (or little sins lead to big sins).

#6. Those who do not love the Lord will not help us serve the Lord.

#7. The habit that we feel only hurts us, may destroy somebody else who follows us. 

#8. It is not possible to fight a fleshly temptation with fleshly weapons.

#9. We lose our freedom of choice after we have chosen our actions (The consequences of our choices are inevitable, incalculable and up to God).

#10. God balances guilt with blame. When we accept the blame for our actions, God, by our repentance and confession, will eliminate the guilt.

What We Believe About Addictions

1.  We believe that the 66 books of the Bible (Old and New Testaments) are the inerrent Word of God.  Inspired by the only True and Living God and written by men as led by the Holy Spirit, it is the Rule Book on which mankind should base life's decisions.  We believe and stand on the King James Version of God's Word.

2. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, that He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, that mankind can be saved from its sinful nature and the consequences of sin through Jesus Christ alone, and that eternal life comes to the repentant believer through the unmerited favor of God, by the atoning blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

3. We believe that freedom from addiction is not a lifelong experience of ongoing recovery, but a once in a lifetime miracle of God that is maintained by His power over sin once and for all as a new creation:  a Christian.

4. We believe that God's design of mortal man (as originally created in His perfect image and before falling to a sinful state) is re-created in the new believer through Jesus Christ, that mankind is once again by faith enabled to live in the righteousness of a Holy and perfect God and that sin is still possible for man, but strongly prohibited by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, thereby establishing the ability to overcome temptation.

5. We believe that constant communion with God through prayer and Bible reading, as well as consistent fellowship with believers in worship, is conducive to an ongoing addiction-free lifestyle.

6. We believe that ALL addicts can become Reformers, and that unanimously we shall publicly profess our freedom from addiction and our salvation from sin which anyone can receive as a Christian through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

7. We believe in a commitment to others' lives in that our example should testify of God's power to "seek and to save that which was lost."  Our pattern of behavior is to help those who are held captive by sins of addiction.